A Collection of crap that may never be read.
Read, for what its worth :)
Published on January 30, 2005 By FlySlayer In Welcome
Ok, here I am my first day writing,blah blah blah. I am tired, its late, my eyes are tired. WHY did I start a blog...um I dunno, so I could babble about stuff and its the trendy "Thing" to do. Like when home decor designers decided "Avacado Green" and the worst shade of "Aqua" was deemed beautiful. I think burned out retina's of the '60's LSD days are to bleme, a designer after recently dropping a little Leary Lovin' was "Enlightened" about these color choices and while conversing with his mood ring released the travasty of these "Wonderful" colors on ....well everything. When your dress matches your couch, drapes, dresser and your car, it is time for a change. I dont think the 80's trend of "Neon" was it though. But, I digress, is it fodder? Is it mocha carpet I am distressed about, no! Certainly not!It is not that the chatter of countless millions that stirs me, its the slim chance that someone will read mine. I tried to talk my grandmother into getting on the net, she is a forward thinker, PS2 she owns is one of her favorite things (Sitting on her Mocha brown, brain patterned (they call it "sculpted") carpet). She feels threatened at the mere mention of a computer , I have heard of getting old, but I hope my progression never stops. I see reflections of the past, but the things I have seen, I know I will never impart the true feel or movement of my life and times. And interest in the past is waxing thin.So caught up in the flux of now, will the past be imparted to my grandchildren or great grandchildren. I see fast,Ii see now, I see pop and fluff and skin toted as normal. I wonder if the minds are mush from the garbage and do my children see? Well, enough silly chatter. I will probably journal, or whatever it is you do on these blogs for a bit and see what happens. Hmmmm?

on Jan 30, 2005
Welcome to JU! (No jumping on the furniture, please.)